Three Things you can Expect from Therapy and Your Therapist.

Going to therapy can feel like a really daunting task. You might want to go but you don’t even know what it’s going to be like. Here are ten things that you can expect from therapy and your therapist.

  1. You can expect to share what’s going on for you.

Now this might seem obvious, but sometimes people are very worried about talking to someone because they truly don’t know how to share what is going on for them. Remember, that therapists utilize the information you share with us to get a sense of your goals and what you want to work on. However, also know that it can take time to trust and open up about how you feel, so I want to normalize that it’s natural not to know what to say. A therapist is patient and supportive, and will hopefully create a good therapeutic relationship with you so that you can feel comfortable sharing.

2. You can expect a non-judgemental and validating space

This means that nothing you say will be made fun of or judged. Even if your therapist doesn’t initially understand what led you to do something or think something, their job is to unpack and process that with you so that you can make sense of it. Validation means that your emotions are seen as understandable and they make sense given the context. Some people come to therapy very scared about how they will be seen and perceived. It is essential for your wellbeing, that your therapist accept you unconditionally and work with you to figure out what’s getting in the way of reaching your goals.

3. You can expect to work.

Your therapist will ask questions, ask you to think about things you never considered and supportively challenge you when it’s necessary. You might have to stretch your thinking, or start doing things differently to assess what works and what doesn’t. It’s going to feel uncomfortable, but that’s a very normal experience. If you’ve been doing things one way for many many years, it will take time to shift thinking. Think of seeing a therapist just like seeing a personal trainer. Just like it takes time to build muscle, or increase endurance, it takes time to change perspectives, behaviours and thinking patterns.

Accessing therapy can be a rewarding experience, but at first it can feel daunting and scary. It is my hope that this article provided you with some important knowledge about what you can expect in a therapeutic space. If you feel like you are ready for therapy, reach out and let’s have a conversation.


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